Ötzi, the Man from the Ice, and the Juval hill
The settlement area in Juval is widely one of the most extended in the Vinschgau valley during the Ice Age between the sixth and the second millennium B.C.. Numerous archeological findings, mostly pottery, were found in the surrounding area of Juval and prove the uninterrupted settlement for many centuries. The area of Juval Castle is well-known also to have been the place of origin and stay of the body of ‘Ötzi’, the Man from the Ice. Other investigations on the bones of the Man of the Copper Age show that before his death near Hauslabjoch, in the place that he was discovered, he was a previous inhabitant of Juval.
![Ötzi, the Man from the Ice, and the Juval hill](/images/content/424136_29116_3_N_860_0_0_100666732/j-5-stein-und-bronzezeitliche-funde-kopie.jpg)